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At Emmanuel, we foster a sacred community where everyone can show up as they are.

When and where do you meet for worship?We gather every Sunday morning at 10:50 a.m. for worship. Sunday School is available for all ages beginning at 9:30. The sanctuary is located on the corner of 4th and Jackson in downtown Alexandria.
Will I be singled out as a visitor?No. We will not single you out by asking you to stand or raise your hand.
What can I expect of worship?In our worship, we draw on tradition even as we embrace change. While our music relies heavily on classic hymns and choral anthems, we also use our own creative gifts in writing music and other elements in the service. Our hope is that worship at Emmanuel leaves room for both the holy and human. The pipe organ, stained glass windows and Neo-Gothic Revival architecture point us toward reverence. By the same measure, the opening words of welcome and the weekly Children’s Time point us toward personal connections. Our pastor’s narrative sermons invite us into a story, not being told how to interpret it, but rather asked to explore God’s message to us in it. We learn and laugh and are pushed to think and question.
What should I wear to worship?There's no dress code at Emmanuel. You may see more slacks and dresses, but many members will be in jeans. Wear whatever is comfortable for you.
What opportunities are there for children in worship?At Emmanuel we believe that worship is for all generations, so you can expect to see people of different ages involved in the service. Worship begins when one of the children chimes the hour with a handbell. We also include a Children’s Time in each worship service. Those 6th grade and younger meet with one of the ministers around the communion table to further understand the ways we are worshiping on that particular Sunday. Children regularly lead in worship through choral anthems, the reading of scripture, lighting candles and creating cover art for the Worship Guide. We also have a nursery available for infants through 3 years old. The trained nursery staff provides a safe and caring environment for young children to learn that church is a place where they are loved. Older preschoolers and kindergartners sit with their families during the first part of the worship service. Here they learn the importance of families worshiping together. They share in singing hymns and offering prayers. They are also given a Children’s Worship Guide created each week with activities specifically related to worship for that Sunday. After the Children’s Time at the communion table, preschoolers and kindergartners move to one of the classrooms to continue their time of worship in our extended session.
What kind of Baptist are you?Our understanding of Baptist faith and practice is expressed by our emphasis on freedom in biblical interpretation and congregational governance, the participation of women and men in all aspects of church leadership and Christian ministry, and religious liberty for all people. Emmanuel embraces foundational Baptist principles: Jesus Christ is Lord. Scripture is inspired. Every soul has the freedom to respond to Christ’s grace in salvation, and Every congregation is to trust the leadership of the Holy Spirit to apply scripture to their circumstances. We don’t push politics or agendas. We partner with other churches of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship along with other religious organizations. We believe all people are part of God’s good creation and invite them to join us in Christian community to live up to and into that goodness. We’re that kind of Baptist.
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