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Congregational Care

As a congregation, we at Emmanuel are committed to “being church” to one another, sharing both trials and joys. Intentional ministries of care provide connection and deepen our sense of community. 

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Care Ministries

Home Member Ministry

Homebound adults remain connected to the Emmanuel family in spite of limited mobility. Through our “Home Member Team,” each home member is paired with one or more volunteers who stay in touch with visits, calls, and cards. Sunday School literature and devotional material are delivered. During the Advent season, the church family meets and divides into groups to visit our home members, singing carols and delivering poinsettias.

Internet Prayer Chain

When crises occur, the Internet Prayer team quickly sends a prayer request to the volunteer recipients. Upon receiving the request, the volunteers pray for the request. This immediate call to prayer allows us to respond to crises and concern. If you would like to subscribe to the prayer chain, please click here.

Wednesday Prayer Service

Each Wednesday worship involves a time to pray for the needs and joys as expressed by the members. A focused prayer time lifts our concerns and hope to our loving God.


Deacons act as models of servant leadership at Emmanuel. Our deacons are not expected to function as an administrative body, but instead, provide a living witness of the work we are called to as a church. Deacons at Emmanuel help serve meals, care for families, visit the sick and prayerfully offer spiritual insight and presence for all we do.


Each active deacon is assigned a position on one of four deacon ministry teams – family ministry team, hospital visitation team, tool box ministry team and new member team.

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