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Adult Spiritual Formation at Emmanuel happens in many ways, but our main avenue is Sunday School. While that name is usually associated with discussion-based Bible studies, that is only one of the ways we grow together: some groups follow traditional curricula while others discuss contemporary Christian literature.

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Sunday School Groups

 Groups are organized by curriculum preference and by age. You will find a description of each group below:

Adult 5

Teacher: Jessica Thacker | Room: 216

The lively discussions in this class alternate between Bible studies and enriching book/topical studies. The men and women of this class are mostly in their 30s and 40s, and many of them have children and youth involved in the church. 

Adult 3

Teacher: Tom Robinson | Room: 110

This co-ed class offers a unique space for vibrant discussions through Bible study. Catering to seasoned church members, the class fosters a sense of celebration and mutual support among its participants. With a deep commitment to missions, members actively engage in impactful outreach endeavors such as our medical mission trips to Mexico. 

Adult 4 Women

Teacher: Linda McKee | Room: 202

Rooted in a foundation of mutual support, this class is a close-knit community where women can openly share and grow together. Participants delve into Scripture through Bible study and discuss how the teachings of each passage apply to their lives. 

Adult 4 Men

Teacher: Jay Bolen | Room: 206

Designed for comprehensive learning, this class offers meticulously researched Bible and topical studies. Participants can expect focused lectures that provide in-depth insights, creating an atmosphere for personal growth that also welcomes thoughts of all participants

Contemplative Hour

Meets in Bolton Chapel | Leader: Kate Murphy

Designed by Kate Murphy, this experience utilizes contemplative prompts that have guided Christians for millennia, such as lectio divina and visio divina. During this hour, the silence observed in Bolton Chapel becomes a canvas for introspection, offering a haven for deep spiritual exploration. 

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